Friday, May 8, 2009


The weather was again lousy on Friday, but at least it wasn't pouring. We decided to go to Akihabara, the neighborhood specializing in electronics shops. If you're into technology you are required to make a pilgrimage once on every trip.

On the way there I passed a sign which should warm the heart of any financial services practitioner.

I'd read how speculating in foreign exchange had become a hobby of the archetypal Mr. & Mrs. Watanabe (Mr. & Mrs. Smith equivalent), but hadn't seen any real evidence until now. There are ads for other FX services but this one sums things up the best.

Yodobashi Camera is arguably the most well known of the electronics superstores. It has a huge building with 9 floors of various tech goods.

Inside is a cacophony of music, shouts of company reps, demo reels on TV, announcements and so forth. It certainly is livelier than a Best Buy or J&R in NY. I find the Yodobashi Camera corporate jingle, set to the Battle Hymn of the Republic and played on synthesizers, to be particularly impressive.

Perhaps in contrast to times past, though, there wasn't really anything that could not be found in the US. There was a new and eagerly anticipated camera which is out already in Japan, but it will be imminently released in the West. Other things like iPhones or Dells are obviously US products anyway. As supply chains and marketing become more global there is little incentive for Japanese manufacturers to 'reserve' products for only the home market.

It is always fun and satisfying to see Akihabara.


Unknown said...

Very jealous. I hope you picked up some token souvenirs with dense manuals written in Kanji.

Fervent Nomad said...

You know there's just not that much stuff available there that you can't find in the West. Did get a few trinkets though.