Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sarcophagi of the Gods (Sedona to Moab part 2)

The approach to Monument Valley is incredible. The road sweeps around a bend in a canyon...

... and then opens up into a breathtaking view!

As I mentioned in the prior post the formations definitely can seem like ancient and weathered sculptures. Mesas that have them definitely look like tombs of ancient gods. A relatively small god lies buried here.

One of the bigger Old Ones lies buried here. Cthulhu perhaps?

A few miles off the main road you come to the visitor's center which has some awesome views of the Valley. Here are two of the most famous structures, the Mittens.

Next to them is a whole collection of other tombs... I mean mesas. As usual, pictures do not do them justice; Here are two of the best which do capture some of the epic scale.

I leave you with the iconic picture of Monument Valley.

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